Two ps5s with one account question


New member
Dec 6, 2024
My son plays ps5 and has the PlayStation plus premium and I was thinking about buying a second ps5. the last PlayStation I played was ps3 and if I get a second ps5 I’ll probably play it maybe once a week so not very often. So would I be able to play two ps5s with the one account as I don’t think I would use it much I don’t see the value it buying a second PlayStation plus membership.
I have a PS5 & PS4 on the same account & share the plus with both. As long as you sign in with the same account & choose one as your main console you should be fine. In the case of 2 PS5s you may have to ensure your son’s console is set as Primary if it isn’t already though.
Thank you. Also wanted to ask if my son was playing say fortnight online would I be able to play a different game at the same time on the second ps5 ?