In regards to PSN, better make sure you never dispute a charge on your account for any reason. Your account will be permanently suspended for the dispute if it results in a charge back and you will lose EVERYTHING. All the money u ever spent wasted and most of what you paid for inaccessible because you cannot connect to PSN. I post this to warn others that if your account is compromised or you dispute one single transaction on your account, you could lose everything. I don't believe many people know this. Seems very unfair to me, almost like PS is stealing from you for something that may not be in your control. Anyway, be warned. Don't dispute any charges with your financial institution or you can lose everything. Hope this post saves someone's account and purchases. I don't see how that can be legal personally. I mean require a password change or additional authentication or block access to the things in the purchase that was disputed. But to lose access to everything? Messed up in my opinin. Be warned. I wish I knew this sooner. Id of sucked up the loss and just changed my security stuff like password and authentication requirements. I don't believe many people know this can happen so just and fyi and fair warning.