PS5 PS5 Security Risk - Please Advise ASAP


New member
Jun 15, 2023
Hey community, new here because I'm having a concerning issue with my PS5 and my internet service provider's wifi security app.

I keep getting guard event notifications from the wifi security app saying that it's blocked the PS5 attempting to connect to a potential threat.

The exact langauge in the app is" Sony Playstation 5 - Device Access Blocked - Device attempted to connect to IP address in Cheney, US. We blocked this unsafe connection. Blocked reason: Malware Sites"

These events have happened when the PS5 has been in rest mode and also while it's actively being used too.

This has been happening for a couple of weeks now it first started pinging locations in China, then the Eastern US Seaboard, and now a middle of no-where location in Kansas.

The IP addresses are always different and there are two attempts each time to connect from two different IP addresses.

So far, I've wiped my PS5 to factory reset but I'm still seeing these connection attempts; I've reset our modem, changed our network name, our network password, and I've updated my PSN credentials as well but atm I'm nervous to even turn the PS5 back on.

Any advice / explanation here from the community would be greatly welcomed; thanks!
Also check the router to see if there are any unknown connections:
It seems like your PS5 is attempting suspicious connections to various IPs, possibly due to a malware issue. You've taken several steps to address it, but it persists. Continue monitoring your network, consider running antivirus scans on the PS5, and contact Sony support for further assistance.
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@amelia1232, Are you sure the email/message is genuine? Afaik there’s no malware scanner for PS devices. I would check your router though & reset it to default or change the SSID & password if it is set to default details.
If you hover your mouse over the contact Sony link does it point to a genuine Sony customer support url?
If you suspect a PS5 security risk:

1. Change your PSN password and enable 2FA.
2. Run a security scan.
3. Review recent activity and report suspicious actions.
4. Keep your system updated.
5. Contact Sony support if needed.
6. Monitor your accounts for unusual activity.