My PS4 did updates this morning and now i cannot log into my network. My email address and password are fine, but i am asked for 2 step verification number, i do not have one, i never have. I have been online to find out how to create this. I have to log on to my account settings. i cannot do this as it asks for my 2SV. I do not have this !! I have tried resetting my account but guess what...i can only do this if i log in...and i can only log in with a 2SV which i do not have !!!! I have gone on to Playstation customer support to try and set up the 2SV. Guess what ? I have to log in to do this....and i cannot. I went on the screen with the BOT. All that could do is reset my password. I dont need that !!!!! What i need is to be given the 2SV number WHICH I DO NOT HAVE or to be able to set one up which i cannot, as to do this i need a 2SV to log in !!!!! What a frustrating load of time !!! I have also tried logging on via my phone and laptop and i have the same problem. The only solution i can think of is to reset to factory settings then i lose everything !! Please help. Thanks